How Does Heat Affect Detection Dogs?

When considering using conservation detection dogs for an upcoming project, you may be curious how the dogs work in higher temperatures. Can dogs work safely in the heat? Does the heat affect their olfaction? Since conservation detection dogs are still emerging within their field, it’s hard to find consensus regarding …

Como Perros Puedan Apoyar a Conservación En nuestro cuarto episodio en español, Kayla y Daniel hablan sobre ejemplos de investigaciones cuales utilizan perros detectores de conservación. Gracias a Daniel y Camilo para su ayuda en estos episodios!

Como Aprender Entrenar y Trabajar con Conservacionistas Caninos? En nuestro tercero episodio del microserie español, Daniel y Kayla hablan de como uno se puede aprender trabajar con perros detectores de conservación. Hablan sobre el educación formal, los cursos disponible, como encontrar internos, y un poco sobre socios. Gracias a Daniel Castillo y Camilo Sierra.

Como Elegir un Perro para Entrenar para Conservación En el segundo episodio de nuestro microserie español, Kayla y Daniel hablan de cómo elegir la raza y el individuo correcto para tu trabajo y para tu familia. Hablan de los necesidades de un perro detector para conservación, y si debes conseguir un cachorro o un perro adulto. Gracias …

Que Son Perros Detectores de Conservación? Hola y bienvenidos a nuestro micro-serie en español. Hoy Kayla y Daniel hablarán sobre los básicos de perros detectores de conservación. Hablan de como elegir un perro, que tipo de trabajos pueden hacer los perros, los básicos de entrenamiento, y como apoyan a proyectos de ecología en el mundo.

Welcome to the Conservation Dog Alliance! HOLY SMOKES y’all! A group of ~10 conservation detection dog pros have been quietly laboring for TWO YEARS to make the Conservation Dog Alliance a reality. In this episode, hear from several of the founding members about what the Conservation Dog Alliance will offer. To join the Conservation Dog …

Wolf, Not Marten (Milk, Not Water) with Sarah Stremming–Not-Marten-Milk–Not-Water-with-Sarah-Stremming-e2lff4f Kayla sits down with Sarah Stremming to discuss how she has been handling Barley’s tendency to generalize to other species while working on her wolf scat detection project in Alaska. This is a nerdy one, hang on! Transcript (AI-Generated) Sarah Stremming  00:09 Hey everybody. This is a crossover episode …

Detection Dogs Help Rediscover Golden Moles with Esther Matthew and Samantha Mynhardt In this episode of K9 Conservationists, Kayla speaks with Esther Matthew and Samantha Mynhardt about dogs detecting golden moles. Science Highlight: None Links Mentioned in the Episode: re:wild Where to find Esther & Samantha: ⁠Website⁠ | ⁠Instagram ⁠| ⁠Facebook⁠ You can support the K9 Conservationists Podcast by joining our Patreon …

Play, Pivoting, and Positivity with Crystal Wing–Pivoting–and-Positivity-with-Crystal-Wing-e2jtfkr In this episode of K9 Conservationists, Kayla speaks with Crystal Wing from Training Director for Evolution Working Dog Club and the K9 Detection Collaborative about play, pivoting, and positivity. Science Highlight: ⁠The feasibility of using scent detection dogs to locate bat hibernacula⁠ Links Mentioned in the Episode:   ⁠Thousand Hour …

Sitka Spruce Syrup, Endless Rain, and a Dash of Blood

Friday, May 10 When I lived in Panama as a high schooler, I reveled in the hammering of rain along tin roofs, rumbling like an approaching train until the deafening downpour enveloped my host family’s house too. The rain there stopped traffic with its ferocity. The rain here is nothing …