Off-Leash Etiquette and Ethics

In this episode of K9 Conservationists, Kayla Fratt talks about off-leash etiquette in order to keep your dogs, yourself, others, and the environment safe.

Discussed in this Podcast:

  • Off leash is a privilege and owners carry a responsibility when utilizing that privilege 
  • Ensure your dog has solid recall, especially around distractions 
  • Look for signage; follow the law – if the trail or area is on leash, there’s a reason for it
  • When you arrive at a trail, observe your surroundings
    • Are there lots of cars indicating lots of people? Do the cars have bike racks? If so, is your dog reliable around bikes?
  • When in doubt, use a long line
  • Not only do you have to think about the safety of other people and dogs, you also have to think about the environment
  • Your dog should not chase any wildlife; even if they don’t catch it, that is undue stress on wildlife
  • Do research on what animals live in the environment you’re in to ensure yours and the wildlife’s safety

Links Mentioned in the Episode: None

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