Our Work

We train dogs to detect data for researchers, land managers, and NGOs.


Project Catalog

We proudly showcase our conservation detection dogs' invaluable contributions to wildlife preservation and environmental research.
Our projects, both past and present, highlight our dedication to utilizing these exceptional dogs in innovative and impactful ways.

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Project goals: estimate wolf occupancy on outlier islands, quantify the frequency of occurrence of prey species through wolf scat, and assess population connectivity between islands.

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Project goals: identify the presence and diet of mountain lions, bobcats, bears, and coyotes in the coastal zones of California through scat detection and analysis.

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Project goals: assist in scat detection and collection for species including jaguar, puma, ocelot, margay, and tayra to aid in food web analysis in the Petén Region of Guatemala.

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Project goals: assist in post-construction monitoring at wind energy facilities to detect bird and bat fatalities.

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Project goals: assist with estimates of ocelot density on a wildlife refuge and a privately owned ranch in South Texas through scat detection. The Spatial and Population Ecology of Carnivores Lab has already started to monitor these ocelots using scat collection, camera traps, GPS tracking collars, and spatially explicit capture-recapture methods.

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Mesoamerican Carnivores

“We were treated like royalty. Absolutely wonderful! I like Cornerstone more and more each day because it makes my life a lot easier. I would also like to say thank you to all your staff.”

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